Needy-Restart; Service Restart After Linux Package Update

When to restart services after package updating.

When updating Linux packages with a package manager it is occasionally necessary to identify services running, having file(s) open that have been unlinked from the directory tree, i.e. deleted.
This is most commonly caused by a process having a shared library(.so) file open that has been updated to a newer version.

Consider the case of the recent Openssl Heartbleed vulnerability.
Updating Openssl via your package manager without restarting running services on your system relying on “*”, will most likely result in the system still being vulnerable to attacks.

In this post I’ll demonstrate a couple of ways to identify running services with open and unlinked files and automatically restarting them.

Finally I will share my application/script "needy-restart", for automatically identifying and restarting these services.

The following should work as is, on
RHEL, Oracle Linux, SL, CentOS Linux distributions.

For other Linux distributions, minor adjustments should be expected.

Here’s from a recent system update

Part of the “yum-utils” package has a python script to output processes that needs restarting, called “needs-restarting”
It is very useful for getting info helping determining what processes will need to be restarted.

This is what the script outputs on this system:

# needs-restarting 
1869 : /sbin/dhclient-1-q-cf/etc/dhcp/dhclient-eth0.conf-lf/var/lib/dhclient/dhclient-eth0.leases-pf/var/run/dhclient-eth0.pideth0
2125 : /usr/bin/mimedefang-multiplexor-p/var/spool/MIMEDefang/
2214 : crond

Unfortunately the script will not restart the services for us, so if we want that functionality we have to roll our own script.

In the following we are only interested in matching and restarting these services:

2125 : /usr/bin/mimedefang-multiplexor-p/var/spool/MIMEDefang/ 
2214 : crond

The following should be restarted and verified by doing a system reboot.

1869 : /sbin/dhclient-1-q-cf/etc/dhcp/dhclient-eth0.conf-lf/var/lib/dhclient/dhclient-eth0.leases-pf/var/run/dhclient-eth0.pideth0

# If you’re feeling brave, issuing “service network restart” will do, but is *not* recommended on a production system without scheduled downtime.

Let’s make our own script.

Check for processes with open files that has been unlinked/deleted using “lsof”

We want to identify “DEL” or “deleted” in the 5th column of the output from lsof and filter out “/dev/zero” & “async I/O (AIO)”

# lsof |grep "DEL\|deleted" | grep -v "/dev/zero\|\[aio\]"

dhclient   1869       root  txt       REG              202,0   572256      18270 /sbin/dhclient (deleted)
dovecot    2006       root  122u      REG              202,0        0      41056 /var/run/dovecot/login-master-notifye2e4a04bb9b2d719 (deleted)
dovecot    2006       root  125u      REG              202,0        0      42553 /var/run/dovecot/login-master-notify4804d9d068f2d611 (deleted)
mimedefan  2125     defang  DEL       REG              202,0               24600 /lib64/
crond      2214       root  DEL       REG              202,0               24600 /lib64/
imap-logi 17666   dovenull    4u      REG              202,0        0      42553 /var/run/dovecot/login-master-notify4804d9d068f2d611 (deleted)
imap-logi 17671   dovenull    4u      REG              202,0        0      42553 /var/run/dovecot/login-master-notify4804d9d068f2d611 (deleted)
imap-logi 17708   dovenull    4u      REG              202,0        0      42553 /var/run/dovecot/login-master-notify4804d9d068f2d611 (deleted)
imap-logi 18376   dovenull    4u      REG              202,0        0      42553 /var/run/dovecot/login-master-notify4804d9d068f2d611 (deleted)
imap-logi 18383   dovenull    4u      REG              202,0        0      42553 /var/run/dovecot/login-master-notify4804d9d068f2d611 (deleted)
imap-logi 18385   dovenull    4u      REG              202,0        0      42553 /var/run/dovecot/login-master-notify4804d9d068f2d611 (deleted)
imap-logi 18387   dovenull    4u      REG              202,0        0      42553 /var/run/dovecot/login-master-notify4804d9d068f2d611 (deleted)

We are interested in the two services having an unlinked shared library file open. In this case:

mimedefan  2125     defang  DEL       REG              202,0               24600 /lib64/
crond      2214       root  DEL       REG              202,0               24600 /lib64/

Let’s check what package was updated.

# yum whatprovides /lib64/ |grep -B3 -A3 "installed"

nss-softokn-freebl-3.14.3-19.el6_6.x86_64 : Freebl library for the Network
                                          : Security Services
Repo        : installed
Matched from:
Other       : Provides-match: /lib64/

So the package “nss-softokn-freebl-3.14.3-19.el66.x8664” was updated and two services need to be restarted to use the new shared library provided by this package.

But in the interest of coding a script to identifying and restarting these services, we’ll wait.

Let’s tighten the output so we can use it in a script.

# lsof |grep -v "/dev/zero\|\[aio\]" | perl -lane 'print $F[0] if ($F[3] =~ /DEL|deleted/ && !$seen{$F[0]}++)'
mimedefan        <--- OUTPUT
crond            <--- OUTPUT 

Here we still filter out “/dev/zero” & “async I/O (AIO)” with the grep command, pipe the output to perl and print the first column if column “4” matches “DEL” or “deleted”. The last part is a perl emulation of “sort -uk1,1” showing only unique first column matches.

Much cleaner output and more suitable for use in a script.
Unfortunately the output can not be used directly to wrap in a for loop to restart, as “mimedefan” service restart is done like this: “service mimedefang restart”

Let’s grab the running service names from /var/lock/subsys/ and compare them to our previous output.

# proc=$(lsof |grep -v "/dev/zero\|\[aio\]" | perl -lane 'print $F[0] if ($F[3] =~ /DEL|deleted/ && ! $seen{$F[0]}++)') ; \
if ! [ -z "$proc" ]; then ls /var/lock/subsys/ |grep "$proc"; else echo "No service needs restart."; fi

crond             <--- OUTPUT
mimedefang        <--- OUTPUT

Now we have process names we can use to restart with the service command.
Let’s test it by issuing “service <servicename> status” on these processes first.

# proc=$(lsof |grep -v "/dev/zero\|\[aio\]" | perl -lane 'print $F[0] if ($F[3] =~ /DEL|deleted/ && ! $seen{$F[0]}++)') ; \
 if ! [ -z "$proc" ]; then ls /var/lock/subsys/ |grep "$proc"| xargs -I{} service {} status; else echo "No service needs restart."; fi

crond (pid  2214) is running...                     <--- OUTPUT
mimedefang (pid  2142) is running...                <--- OUTPUT
mimedefang-multiplexor (pid  2125) is running...    <--- OUTPUT
  0/10 .......... 0                                 <--- OUTPUT

Now we have a working one-liner that clearly is begging to be put in a script.
Let’s construct a bash script to identify and restart service(s) if needed after updating of packages.

needy-restart script

Below is the finished script.

# Version 0.6
# needy-restart: Identifying and restarting running services
# with open files unlinked/deleted from the directory tree.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Lars Bjaerris <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

proc=$(lsof |grep -v "/dev/zero\|\[aio\]" | perl -lane 'print $F[0] if ($F[3] =~ /DEL|deleted/ && ! $seen{$F[0]}++)')
while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]
    case "$1" in
           if ! [ -z "$proc" ] # Check that we're not grep'ing with an empty string
               echo "Restarting needy restart(s):"; ls /var/lock/subsys/ |grep "$proc" |xargs -I{} service {} restart
               echo "No needy restart(s)"
               fini=1 #
           ;;&    # Continue with the last check of "-v" unless $fini -eq 1.
           if [ "$fini" -eq 1 ]
           elif ! [ -z "$proc" ] 
               echo "Checking for needy restart(s):"; ls /var/lock/subsys/ |grep "$proc"
               echo "If processes are stil listed below after running "needy-restart -r","
               echo "you should evaluate them and consider if a reboot is necessary."
               echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
               lsof |grep -v "/dev/zero\|\[aio\]" | perl -lane 'print $F[0] if ($F[3] =~ /DEL|deleted/ && !$seen{$F[0]}++)'
               echo "No needy restart(s)"
            echo >&2 "usage: $0 [-v] [-r] -v: Check for needy restart(s) or -r: Restart needy restart(s)"
        exit 1;;
            echo >&2 "usage: $0 [-v] [-r] -v: Check for needy restart(s) or -r: Restart needy restart(s)"
            break;;    # terminate while loop

Let's test it

# vi needy-restart


Set the execute bit.

#chmod +x needy-restart


# ./needy-restart -v
Checking for needy-restart(s):    <--- OUTPUT
crond                             <--- OUTPUT
mimedefang                        <--- OUTPUT
Checking for needy-restart(s):
If processes are stil listed below after running needy-restart -r,
you should evaluate them and consider if a reboot is necessary.

Give the restart service(s) option.

# ./needy-restart -r
Restarting needy-restart(s):
Stopping crond: [  OK  ]
Starting crond: [  OK  ]
Shutting down mimedefang: [  OK  ]
Shutting down mimedefang-multiplexor: [  OK  ]
Waiting for daemons to exit
Checking filter syntax: OK
Starting mimedefang-multiplexor: [  OK  ]
Starting mimedefang: [  OK  ]
Checking for needy-restart(s):
If processes are stil listed below after running needy-restart -r,
you should evaluate them and consider if a reboot is necessary.

Final check.

# ./needy-restart -v
Checking for needy-restart(s):
If processes are stil listed below after running needy-restart -r,
you should evaluate them and consider if a reboot is necessary.

Here is an example using "needy-restart after updating: glibc-* & kernel-headers.

# ./needy-restart -r
Restarting needy-restart(s):
Stopping auditd: [  OK  ]
Starting auditd: [  OK  ]
Shutting down system logger: [  OK  ]
Starting system logger: [  OK  ]
Stopping Dovecot Imap: [  OK  ]
Starting Dovecot Imap: [  OK  ]
Stopping crond: [  OK  ]
Starting crond: [  OK  ]
Stopping sshd: [  OK  ]
Starting sshd: [  OK  ]
Stopping nginx: [  OK  ]
Starting nginx: [  OK  ]
Stopping mysqld:  [  OK  ]
Starting mysqld:  [  OK  ]
Stopping mysqld:  [  OK  ]
Starting mysqld:  [  OK  ]
Stopping php-fpm: [  OK  ]
Starting php-fpm: [  OK  ]
Shutting down ntpd: [  OK  ]
Starting ntpd: [  OK  ]
Stopping fail2ban: [  OK  ]
Starting fail2ban: [  OK  ]
Checking for needy-restart(s):
If processes are stil listed below after running needy-restart -r,
you should evaluate them and consider if a reboot is necessary.

In this case we have to reboot the server.

After Reboot testing

# ./needy-restart -v
Checking for needy-restart(s):
If processes are stil listed below after running needy-restart -r,
you should evaluate them and consider if a reboot is necessary.

Hope you enjoyed it!
Lars Bjaerris